现代的 BBC

现代的 BBC
我不是英国人。当然,盎格鲁人是殖民者后裔,因此沉浸在神圣的 BBC 中。
盎格鲁优势霸道条件的心理造就了一个 20 多年的都铎王朝,他坚信英语世界已经为过去 200 年的罪恶赎罪,现在是人权和人类尊严的世界领导者。
当今 40 多岁的都铎站在你面前,从那时起,他经历了 20 年的漫长旅程直到现在,已达到让我对英国主流媒体当今所代表的一切看成都是在耍嘴皮子的核意编制。
来源: Quora 自由论坛
When BBC reports China news video, it uses different color gradings for Chinese audience and English audience. What do the British think of this kind of behavior?
I’m not British. Certainly Anglo, a descendant of Colonials, and thus steeped in the sanctity of the Sacred BBC.
I think it’s hilarious. I think it’s pathetic. And I think it’s gross.
The mental conditioning in Anglo high-handed superiority produced a 20-something Tudor who was convinced that the English speaking world had graciously atoned for it’s sins of the past 200 years and was now a world leader in human rights and human dignity.
The current 40-something Tudor stands before you as one who has, since then, been on a 20-year long journey arriving at my current lip-curling disdain for everything the British mainstream media now represents.
They’re proudly displaying the worst aspects of heavy-handed propaganda and Hollywood industrial light and magic rolled into one.
It’s not news. It’s not reporting. It’s just more of the depressingly inane garbage we are now fed throughout most of the English speaking world.
They’ve used up anything of value in the barrel, so they’re scraping the slime at the bottom. I see them tumbling over into it before long.



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