Easy wounded woman

容易受伤的女人 Róngyì shòushāng de nǚrén                               邝美云 Cally Kwong
有心人兒用情深                             Yǒuxīnrén er yòng qíng shēn
緊緊追緣共度今生                       Jǐn jǐn zhuī yuán gòngdù jīnshēng
此不需再離分 讓夢幻都變真 Cong ci bù xū zài lí fēn ràng mènghuàn dōu biàn zhēn
曾經相愛過的人                             Céngjīng xiāng’àiguò de rén
淚眼訴說亳無緣份                        Lèiyǎn sùshuō bó wú yuán fèn
愛你愛得那樣深                            Ai nǐ ài de nàyàng shēn
心碎也更深                                     Xīn suì yě gēngshēn

Reff 情人難求                               Qíngrén nán qiú
愛人總是難留                               Airén zǒng shì nán Liú
我是容易受傷的女人 無情無愛    Wǒ shì róngyì shòushāng de nǚrén   wúqíng wú ài
無緣無奈的心 能不能過一生        Wúyuán wúnài de xīn néng bùnéngguò yīshēng
誰會珍惜 誰又懂得接受              Shuí huì zhēnxī shuí yòu dǒngde jiēshòu
這個容易受傷的女人                     Zhège róngyì shòushāng de nǚrén
癡癡等 到何時 有情人                   Chī chī děng   dào héshí   yǒuqíng rén
火熱的心會變冷                           Huǒrè de xīn huì biàn lěng
而我依然那麼認真                         Er wǒ yīrán nàme rènzhēn
夜深人寂只留我 傷心的女人#      Yè shēn rén jì zhǐ liú wǒ shāngxīn de nǚrén

重復, 重復reff.


Easy wounded woman                                                                             Cally Kwong
Serious guy plays affair very deep
Tightly chase the mate  spend this life altogether
So do not have to split again, Let the illusion of dream come true
People who ever been love
Tears revealed no mate
Love you up so deep
Heart be destroyed more deep
Beloved difficult requested
Beloved always difficult to stayed
I am an easy  wounded woman , no romance no love
Heart without mate and surrender, could or not pass for life
This easy wounded woman  
Waiting curious , till how long ? the intimate lover
Hot heart also can be cold
While I was still so serious
Late at night no people just me alone, sad woman #
Repeat Reff

* 留著你隔夜的吻                                    Liúzhe nǐ géyè de wěn
感覺不到你有多真                                  Gǎnjué bù dào nǐ yǒu duō zhēn
想你天色已黃昏                                      Xiǎng nǐ tiānsè yǐ huánghūn
臉上還有淚痕                                          Liǎn shàng hái yǒu lèihén
如果從此不過問                                      Rúguǒ cóngcǐ bùguò wèn
不想對你難拾難分                                  Bùxiǎng duì nǐ nán shi nán fēn
是否夜就不會冷 心就不會疼                   Shìfǒu yè jiù bù huì lěng xīn jiù bù huì téng
#顫抖的唇 等不到你的吻                     # Chàndǒu de chún děng bù dào nǐ de wěn
一個容易受傷的女人                               Yīgè róngyì shòushāng de nǚrén
希望 希望 希望你會心疼                         Xīwàng xīwàng xīwàng nǐ huì xīnténg
我害怕一個人 為何不肯                          Wǒ hàipà yīgèrén wèihé bù kěn
輕輕喚我一聲                                         Qīng qīng huàn wǒ yī shēng
安慰容易受傷的女人*                             ānwèi róngyì shòushāng de nǚrén
為了你 我情願給一生                             Wèile nǐ wǒ qíngyuàn gěi yī shēng
黑夜裡不敢點燈                                      Hēiyè lǐ bù gǎn diǎn dēng
是誰讓我越陷越深                                  shì shuí ràng wǒ yuè xiàn yuè shēn
讓我深愛的人 越來越陌生                      Ràng wǒ shēn ài de rén yuè lái yuè mòshēng

你的眼神 燙傷我的青春                          Nǐ de yǎnshén tàngshāng wǒ de qīngchūn



Keep your overnight’s kiss                                                                                                                                                                      
Can’t  feel How really of you 
Thought you was getting night
Face there are still tears trace
If since then not care to ask
Do not want to hard reluctant and hard to part
Was the night would not be cold, heart would not pain
# Trembling lips can not wait for your kiss #
A vulnerable wound woman
I hope hope hope that you will feel not bear
I’m afraid a person, why not willing
Gently call me 
Comfort a vulnerable women *
For you, I  prefer give whole life
In night not dare to lighting
Who let me fall more in-depth
It let guy who I loved be more and more unfamiliar

repeat *
Your eye’s shine burn hurt my youth


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