Angel sigh

Angel sigh – ( after read dont cry ​​)  Author : chan yue
sharing post :2009 -08-03

One day, the girl birthday, boy freind at her birthday party gave her a cute Panda doll , in a variety of birthday gifts , this is hardly the gift.
Girl has little angry, perhaps majority was anger,she did not expect her boyfriend so stingy , today is her birthday , but also caused so much friends.
Last year her birthday, boy gave her a very expensive knives , the boy vowed that if one day he betrayed the girl, the girl can pierced his chest with this knife
This year , they have been discussing their future, so many friends have come to celebrate the girl’s birthday,  boy said in that birthday will give the girl an unforgettable gift. but the results seem contrary to the surprise of everyone, of course, the important  was the girls !

Face girl angry eyes , the boy is just nasty laugh, this gift really let the girls will never forget.
Girl drink a lot of wine at the party , but the boy just quietly sipping Coke at corner

End of the party , they want to return to their small home, on the Third Ring Road , the girls have been very angry , always complaining , the car ‘s rear seat put a lot of expensive gifts , of course,  including that Panda doll. Girls started to complain about the boy does not love her, do not cherish their love , the boy just quietly drove , said nothing , occasionally a trace of nasty laught in the face.

Emotion attack under Alcohol effect. Girl throw up, the boy aside to stop the car , the girl tantrum, accusing the boy gave her such unhappy birthday, said some very hurtful words, the boy keep silent, but a hand holding a towel , a hand holding mineral water. Girl suddenly ran to the main ring road, the boy did not grab her, so two people pulling on the road , and suddenly , a speeding express car straight to two people over, without thinking much the boy threw the things on hand, Pushed the girl, the girl ‘s head fell heavily to the ground , so when she regained consciousness, she has been lying in the hospital , his head bandaged

Speeding cars drivers  proved he was driving in drunk.
The boy knocked out of 15 meters , when emergency relief arrived, while with the blood flow out from his mouth and talking 〃 Do not worry about me , please see my girlfriend how she is now? 〃
To the hospital , the boy had gone to another world, his last words were panda doll, at his request,  ambulance medical staff brought panda doll to him, his final way in this world , was only a panda doll accompany with him .
Girls Informed of the boy dead news, have been crying, crying then fainted several times.
A Good intentions nurse brouht panda doll, put beside  to her pillow
Once, the girls woke up from fainting , watching the panda doll , at te top with the boy’s blood , seems still have the boy’s body temperature, tightly hugged it to her chest, gently stroke it , suddenly her hand touched something hard things , the girl from the panda doll pull out a pocket , a ring box , which has a beautiful diamond ring , the girl saw it all , completely collapsed, she cried desperately , tear and forced to her hair, pull bandage of the head, but all she did was not seem to make sense of everything

Girls went to the morgue , that boy has been wiped off the blood , he was clean , peaceful lying there , mouth still has a hint of naughty smile , the girl hands stroked the boy ‘s head , tears from her eyes draw down , she did not cry out loud, because the boy did not like her crying.
On the next day the girl was discharged and returned to the harbor they once loved
Opened the door , she was stunned in front of all , the room was full of roses, there is a big cake , and a thermal lunch box with a card beside it on the table.
Open lunch box which is her favorite drink soup.
Open the card which read :

Marry me, you will never regret it, you will feel the warmth of life , I ‘ll always make you happy , I will always stand by your side , I’ll call you up every day , you can do what you like, I’ll make  breakfast , send you work , always thinking about you , ready to give you phone and information , you not feel lonely even in few minutes , I’ll pick you up at night from work , cook dinner for you , let you sleep at night in my arms and then quietly to sleep . you can take any decision at home , but for homework is ny job , my body is better . If entertaining , I’ll go home before 11:00 pm , if I have to travel these days, I ‘ll be ready food , of course, your favorite snacks . In fact, love is simply just for two people happiness, our happiness is just beginning, I hope ……

Girls no longer stand it anymore , she saw the room as if to make them full of laughter , full of their sweet words , sweet imaging …

 the scene suddenly Past , she remorse, remorse, blaming in her heart

Think in the end who betrayed the good things they have

This timethe Happiness has changed sharp , this time once the laughter becomes gray

That girl did not go to the boy cremated

Girl stay quietly in the harbor they loved, they often **** lying in bed , watching the video when they travel out, gently cut her own wrist with the knife which are gift she got in last year’s birthday

Window head stood a card :

Dear me ,  I’m so sorry for your

I was wrong , you go these days, I have been pondering when the day we are together , your body temperature, your smell , meal of you do , your naughty grin, You said guard my life, without you , a person sleep is cold , no one cook for me very hungry , I’m so lonely without you around, you go slowly , I came, though you do not realize your commitment , but I really love you , villain I came, walking slowly in front and waiting for me, I come ……

Every body Love friends. . Cherish it. . Maybe this world is not so Perfect , but in the world you have a people love you and the person you love is the same person, So I want to tells you that you are a happy guy.  Maybe you do not understand my love. but triangle love is excruciation.  the point of this post you should understand it . Oh do not say more,  I hope after reading this post you’ll cherish all , don’t because trifle things dispute .

Tell your frends, tell your darling to read this post, or you ‘ll never get true love !

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