Depth courtyard

庭院深深                              Tíngyuàn shēn shēn                            演唱: 蔡琴 Càiqín 
多少的往事 已難追憶         duōshǎo de wǎngshì yǐ nán zhuīyì
多少的恩怨 已隨風而逝     duōshǎo de ēnyuàn yǐ suí fēng ér shì
兩個世界 幾許痴迷             liǎng gè shìjiè jǐxǔ chīmí
幾載的離散 欲訴相思         jǐ zài de lísàn yù sù xiāngsī
這天上人間 可能再聚         zhè tiānshàng rénjiān kěnéng zài jù
聽那杜鵑 在林中輕啼         tīng nà dùjuān zài lín zhōng qīng tí
不如歸去 不如歸去             bùrú guī qù bùrú guī qù
啊 不如歸去                        a bùrú guī qù

Depth courtyard                                                                                                     
How much of the past has been difficult to remember
How many minds and complaints have gone with the wind
Two Worlds, how many times an obsession
A few decades parting wish to express nostalgia
In Earthly paradise may be gathered again
Listen that cuckoo was whining slowly in the woods
It’s better return home, better return home
Ah, better return home.

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