Heart’s voices trace of tears

心聲淚痕                                                                                              Xīnshēng lèihén
作詞:慎芝 作曲:韓人      zuòcí: Shèn zhī zuòqǔ: Hán rén

我耳邊有誰在輕輕呼喚我 wǒ ěr biān yǒu shuí zài qīng qīng hūhuàn wǒ
聲音在我心上飄過             shēngyīn zài wǒ xīn shàng piāoguò
那是我夢寐以求               nà shì wǒ mèngmèiyǐqiú
日夜盼望的結果                 rìyè pànwàng de jiéguǒ
他的聲音在我心窩           tā de shēngyīn zài wǒ xīnwō
掀起漣漪微波                     xiānqǐ liányī wéibō
層層微波中                       céng céng wéibō zhōng
有千言萬語要告訴我       yǒu qiānyán wàn yǔ yào gàosù wǒ
綿綿的對我訴說                 miánmián de duì wǒ sùshuō
我腮邊悄悄的流下幾滴淚 wǒ sāi biān qiāoqiāo de liúxià jǐ dī lèi
怎麼不能忍住傷悲             zěnme bùnéng rěn zhù shāng bēi
那是你即將遠去               nà shì nǐ jíjiāng yuǎn qù
不再和我朝夕相偎             bù zài hé wǒ zhāoxì xiāng wēi
恨不能夠在我心扉           hèn bu nénggòu zài wǒ xīnfēi
緊緊鎖住這一位                 jǐn jǐn suǒ zhù zhè yī wèi
曾經使我迷                       céngjīng shǐ wǒ mí
也曾經使我心醉               yě céngjīng shǐ wǒ xīnzuì
難忘的心上這一位             nánwàng de xīn shàng zhè yī wèi



Heart’s voices trace of tears                                                                                            
Who in my ear, gently calling me
Drifting in my mind
That is my dream
The results of day and night  awaited
His voice stay in my chest
Set off ripples microwave
In the layers of microwave
There are a thousand words to tell me
my cheeks quietly shed a few tears
How I can not hold back sad
That is because you will soon far away
Can’t accompany me every day and night again
Hate I can not  in my heart
Tightly locked this one guy
Have ever make me fascinated
Have ever also make me drunk
Unforgettable this one in my heart


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