There was a young man, can not stand the ordinary life in the village that has no variation, which has lasted a long time for their parents fell down in the village, and so he set out to leave his hometown to search for a dream life. Once known by the local chieftain, with particular chiefs wrote three mandarinwords, entrusted to him, and ordered him: It was three words from the entire six-word mantra, LIFE-mantra of which I donated to you, it’s been very useful for the half of your lifetime.These three words are: 不 要 怕. (Han-yi-pin-ying: bu yao pa, read: pu yao bha)

That mean:  DO NOT BE AFRAID.

Young people get very excited and full of confidence, with a capital stock of strength and indomitable spirit, he battled severe challenges, grappling persist in business and career. Eventually he obtained a great success. However, following the course of time, he was approaching the elderly and start to feel bored. He felt life begin to lose meaning. What dream craved by many people around the world began to lose interest for him. In the atmosphere and the feeling of loss and emptiness, he is remembered by the chiefs.By bringing a piece of hope, he deliberately returned to hometown, which had been separated for decades,

 unfortunately, the chief has died. However,  chiefs family gave an envelope and said: This is a letter left by the deceased chieftain, he was told, that one day, he’ll come back and give this letter to him. By looking forward to it, this young man hastily tore the envelope, to see the letter, it’s true, the contents of the letter are the remaining three words, from a previous spell continued. This young man read the contents of the letter, and he fell into a deep contemplation. But then he was like inspired, and began to smile. He really understood the meaning of life through the six-word mantra, which was left by the head of the tribe. With less heart relieved and happy he returned home.Well,

friends, what about the rest of the three word mantra, obtained for the half-life youth then?



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