Who wants to love me

誰來愛我 Shuí lái ài wǒ                                                                      鄧麗君 Dènglìjūn
你曾經對我說過永遠地愛我  nǐ céngjīng duì wǒ shuōguò yǒngyuǎn dì ài wǒ
誰知道你的話兒都是在騙我  shuí zhīdào nǐ dehuà er dōu shì zài piàn wǒ
你恨心拋棄我也不管我死活  nǐ hèn xīn pāoqì wǒ yě bùguǎn wǒ sǐhuó
誰愛我誰愛我誰來愛我          shuí ài wǒ shuí ài wǒ shuí lái ài wǒ
不知誰來愛我#                      bùzhī shuí lái ài wǒ#
想起了心裡難過我對你不錯  xiǎngqǐle xīnlǐ nánguò wǒ duì nǐ bùcuò
我的心為了你沒有放下過      wǒ de xīn wèile nǐ méiyǒu fàngxiàguò
怕你冷怕你熱,                       pà nǐ lěng pà nǐ rè,
怕你渴怕你餓                          pà nǐ kě pà nǐ è
誰愛我誰愛我誰來愛我         shuí ài wǒ shuí ài wǒ shuí lái ài wǒ
不知誰來愛我#                     bùzhī shuí lái ài wǒ#
你從來沒有給我一點兒快樂 nǐ cónglái méiyǒu gěi wǒ yīdiǎn er kuàilè
我命裡住注定了受你的折磨 wǒ mìng lǐ zhù zhùdìngle shòu nǐ de zhémó
愛是枷情是鎖我偏願受折磨 ài shì jiā qíng shì suǒ wǒ piān yuàn shòu zhémó
誰愛我誰愛我誰來愛我         shuí ài wǒ shuí ài wǒ shuí lái ài wǒ
不知誰來愛我#                     bùzhī shuí lái ài wǒ#

Who wants to love me                                                                             Teresa Deng
Once you  told me would love me forever
Who knows you’re lying to me
You heartless throw me not care I live or die
Who loves me, who love me, who will love me
Do not know who will love me #
When remembering so I grieved that I’m not bad for you
My heart never release for you
Afraid you’re cold,  afraid you’re heat,afraid you’re thirst  afraid you’re hungry
Who loves me, who love me, who will love me
Do not know who will love me #
You never gave me a bit of fun
My fate has been implied to be tortured by you
Love is shackles, romance is a lock, I deliberately willing be tortured
Who loves me, who love me, who will love me
Do not know who will love me #
Repeat Reff, Reff1, Reff2

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