
问 Wèn                                                                                                作詞 李宗盛  陳淑樺
谁让你心动 谁让你心痛           Shuí ràng nǐ xīndòng shuí ràng nǐ xīntòng
谁会让你偶尔想要拥他在怀中 shuí huì ràng nǐ ǒu’ěr xiǎng yào yōng tā zài huái zhōng
谁又在乎你的梦                      shuí yòu zàihū nǐ de mèng
谁说你的心事他会懂               shuí shuō nǐ de xīnshì tā huì dǒng
谁为你感动                             shuí wèi nǐ gǎndòng #
如果女人 总是等到夜深           rúguǒ nǚrén zǒng shì děngdào yè shēn
无悔付出青春 他就会对你真    wú huǐ fùchū qīngchūn tā jiù huì duì nǐ zhēn
是否女人 永远不要多问           shìfǒu nǚrén yǒngyuǎn bùyào duō wèn
她最好永远天真 为她所爱的人 tā zuì hǎo yǒngyuǎn tiānzhēn wèi tā suǒ ài de rén
只是女人 容易一往情深              zhǐshì nǚrén róngyì yīwǎngqíngshēn
总是为情所困 终于越陷越深       zǒng shì wéiqíngsuǒkùn zhōngyú yuè xiàn yuè shēn
可是女人 爱是她的灵魂              kěshì nǚrén ài shì tā de línghún
她可以奉献一生 为她所爱的人# tā kěyǐ fèngxiàn yīshēng wèi tā suǒ ài de rén
可是女人 爱是她的灵魂              kěshì nǚrén ài shì tā de línghún
她可以奉献一生 为她所爱的人# tā kěyǐ fèngxiàn yīshēng wèi tā suǒ ài de rén

Ref 1
Who makes your heart move, who makes you hurt
Who makes you sometimes want to hug him in the chest.
Who else cares about your dreams.
Who said the contents of your heart he will understand.
Who is touched by you
If women always wait until late at night
No regret paying for her age. then he can be serious to you.
Do women Forever do not ask a lot.
She better forever innocent, for the sake of the one she loves. #
Repeat Ref 1
Ref 2
however women easy to fall deep in love
Always bulging in feelings, eventually degenerate deeper
But woman, Love is her soul
He can offer his whole life for the person he loves. #
Repeat ref2
But woman, Love is her soul
He may offer his whole life for the person he loves

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