Ten times complain Sounds

叹十声 Tàn shí shēng                                                                                     童丽 Tong Li
烟花那女子叹罢那第一声           Yānhuā nà nǚzǐ tàn ba nà dì yī shēng
 思想起奴终身靠啊靠何人          Sīxiǎng qǐ nú zhōngshēn kào a kào hérén
爹娘生下了奴就没有照管           Diē niang shēng xiàle nú jiù méiyǒu zhàoguǎn
为只为家贫寒才卖哪小奴身       Wèi zhǐ wéi jiā pínhán cái mài nǎ xiǎo nú shēn
咿呀呀得儿喂 说给谁来听          Yīyā ya de er wèi shuō gěi shuí lái tīng
为只为家贫寒才卖哪小奴身       Wèi zhǐ wéi jiā pínhán cái mài nǎ xiǎo nú shēn
烟花那女子叹罢那第二声           Yānhuā nà nǚzǐ tàn ba nà dì èr shēng
思想起当年的坏呀坏心人           Sīxiǎng qǐ dāngnián de huài ya huài xīn rén
花言巧语他把奴来骗                   Huāyánqiǎoyǔ tā bǎ nú lái piàn
到头来丢下奴只成了一片恨       Dàotóulái diū xià nú zhǐ chéngle yīpiàn hèn
咿呀呀得儿喂说给谁来听           Yīyā ya de er wèi shuō gěi shuí lái tīng
 到头来丢下奴只成了一片恨      Dàotóulái diū xià nú zhǐ chéngle yīpiàn hèn
烟花那女子叹罢那第三声           Yānhuā nà nǚzǐ tàn ba nà dì sān shēng
思想起何处有知呀知心人           Sīxiǎng qǐ hé chù yǒu zhī ya zhīxīn rén
天涯漂泊受尽了欺躏                   Tiānyá piāobó shòu jǐnle qī lìn
有谁见逢人笑暗地里抹泪痕       Yǒu shuí jiàn féng rén xiào àndìlǐ mǒ lèihén
咿呀呀得儿喂 说给谁来听          Yīyā ya de er wèi shuō gěi shuí lái tīng
有谁见逢人笑暗地里抹泪痕       Yyǒu shuí jiàn féng rén xiào àndìlǐ mǒ lèihén

Ten times complain Sounds                                                                              Tong Li
Yanhua that girl was complaining sigh first sound
Think herself  have depend on whom whole life
My mother’s father after born me then not care again
The reason is poor why that  family  sold me
Iyaya talk to whom to hear
The reason is poor why that  family  sold me
Yanhua  that girl was complaining sigh second sound
Think the past met  bad guy
Sweet and interesting words to deceive me
Ended up leaving me, the rest was hatred
Iyaya talk to whom to hear
Yanhua  that girl was complaining sigh third voice
Think where there is an understanding guy
Wandered into the world got full of oppression
Meeting people have to smile but  wiping tears in darkness
Iyaya talk to whom to hear
Meeting people have to smile but  wiping tears in darkness


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